Friday, December 30, 2005

The Devil's Playground

Here's a piece that I need to finish. This one was actually started as a commisioned piece for a CD cover. I was on the road for work in Minneapolis in 2004, and while I was there over the weekend, I noticed an advertisement for an all day Heavy Metal festival. I went to the show and saw and met many very cool bands. Among them was a band called CONQUEST. I maintained contact with them, and their vocalist asked me if I would like to do some artwork for an new EP they were working on. The EP was to be titled END OF DAYS and there was a song called The Devil's Playground. So from reading the lyrics, my idea was to do a drawing of a huge devilish demon holding the world in his hands (his playground), and I was going to have him drooling blood all over the globe. Everything was coming along fine, and then the communications channel between myself and the vocalist broke down, so this project never saw the light of day. I would like to go in and finish this one up as I quite like the black and white line art, (done with felt tip markers) and I want to see how the blood effect turns out. For now, you get to see the black and white art with the gradient background I added in Photoshop.

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