Monday, July 17, 2006

Off to Comic Con

The time has finally arrived! I am gonna be on the road to San Diego in just a few hours. This is my first time going to the Comic Con, and I am excited to get there to see what it is really all about. I have too many preconceived notions in my head, and when I think about the line-up of UNREAL artists that are going to be there, it sort of freaks me out. How can it not? BASIL GOGOS, BERNIE WRIGHTSON, BRIAN BOLLAND, SERGIO ARAGONES, RAY HARRYHAUSEN, FORRY ACKERMAN... seems like short of FRANK FRAZETTA all of my favorites are gonna be there! I am going to take along a portfolio of inking work, to see if I can't manage to dig up some work- I am looking forward to getting feedback and critiques from the industry pros, it will help me to become a better artist I am sure. I spent a lot of time over the weekend working on more inks, so before I leave I wanted to post one of the pages I finished. As usual, my inks are on the left, the pencils on the right.
Depending on if the hotel I am staying at has internet connectivity or not, I may not be able to post anything else until after July 25th. Otherwise, check back in on a regular basis for photos from the Comic Con. Another big THANK YOU to my blogging friends Rich Faber and Rob Scott- you guys really helped me out. Both Rich and Rob are talented artists, so if you have a spare minute click on the links here to see their work. Rob's site is listed under Horrific Horror Stuff as "Scottra - Monster Art and More." He does some awesome old school monster portraits that are well worth checking out. And THANKS to everyone else that visits my blog and leaves comments- you guys make it all worthwhile! Keep rockin' and keep crankin' out the awesome creativity... talk to you all soon!!!


scottra said...

Good Luck man!
Hope you have a blast.


Unknown said...

fantastic inks and hope you have a fantastic time. Cant wait to hear the stories!

Chrissie A said...

Lucky you, Patrick! (One of these days I am GOING to make it to ComicCon...)Hope you had a fabulous time at SD and that it was everything you were expecting!

Those pencils/inks you posted are just beautiful, by the way! I'm betting you got some great feedback from everyone you showed 'em to...