Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Illustration Friday - SKYLINE

Whenever a google eyed multi-tentacled slimy green monster wreaks havoc in a sleepy little town, the skyline has to be a raspberry purple color. This one is a combination of multiple elements- the town was drawn with primacolor pencils, the sky was added in photoshop, the creature was drawn with a ball point pen then scanned in and cleaned and colored in photoshop. It must not be much fun to have tentacles growing out of your nostrils- maybe thats why he is on a rampage?


Steve said...

Great illo, Patrick I really love the background and your colour choice has help make your character leap off the page.

carla said...

I love this creaturem gross as he is! The bright green of his body and the pink-purple sky really jump out in contrast to the old town scene. Great imagination and wonderful work!

Willie Baronet said...

I think I'm going to have to sleep with the light on tonight.

Collin said...

Cool monster. Looking back I see you have a lot of really interesting monsters. Great work!

Patrick said...

Thanks everyone for all the comments!
Brian, He may have already eaten a few of the villagers, but I am assuming that he is just getting started on the rampage. The village would be flaming and flattened if he had already started.

Cez said...

You have beautiful eyes, you know?
great illo....