Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Illustration Friday - JUNGLE

What better place to shoot pool than in the amazing jungle from Disney's Jungle Book? A few years ago I got lucky enough to paint this mural at the home of one of my relatives. A fun way to let the creative monster loose for sure. I have posted the preliminary sketches here, as well as the finished walls. I drew up the sketches, and the final mural work was done with the help of my cousin Brent Rowe. Latex paints, with some airbrush work to help bring it all to life. Painted over a period of about 5 days.


Adam said...

That is awsome!

arvindh said...

That is phenomenal! You could do that amazing work in just 5 days - WOW!

carla said...

Wow - this is sooo cool! This is like "Pimp my Ride" or "Trick My Truck" for the rec room! It's really beautiful:>

° said...

nice murals from the jungle book movie, u captured some of the best characters

Urban Barbarian said...

Too cool!!!!

Unknown said...

hey patrick,
that room is kik ace man!! The frankie pic and the ink job are slick as well. keep the eye candy a comin'!

Diane Duda said...


Hans said...

That's awesome Patrick!

Very nice job. The studio I'm at is also doing a lot of themed invironments all over the country, so when I'm not working on the movies, I help out designing wall murals and props. It can be quite fun too.....mostly:)


Chrissie A said...

Patrick, that is one heckuva great-looking mural! Very cool!

Ken Chandler said...

Way to decorate a room Patrick! Awesome! Thanks for showing it off. If I ever get into a house, and have the time, I'd love to do something like this. Very fine!

Eliza Jäppinen said...

I'd like to see more pencil sketch work like the one you posted here, it's really cool looking. The room is great, too :9