Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Illustration Friday - SONG

I have been working up a silhouette for a forthcoming etched glass, from my favorite Disneyland ride Pirates of the Caribbean. Every time I see this image a song pops into my head (and I am sure you are probably hearing the same one in your head right now!) so I thought this image was appropriate for this weeks theme... Look for this one to be showing up on a glass sometime soon! Pirates and skeletons... Does it get any cooler than that?


rania said...

awesome! pirates rock!

Rayne said...

Oh, wow! This is so cool. How would one get this glass? That must be so neat to have your artwork show up on things like that.

Anonymous said...

Love pirates and skeletons ... the two together :) Looks great!

garth bruner said...

Patrick Patrick Patrick... another brilliant one. This one's probably my favorite so far, maybe because I have an emotional tie to the song as well, but definitely because of the image itself. This is awesome!

AscenderRisesAbove said...

Riders on the Storm? nice illustration