Friday, February 10, 2006

Illustration Friday - SIMPLE

Had an old piece of artwork in the archive that seemed appropriate for the theme this week. This is a character I call "Spaghetti Head"... all drawn with a #2 pencil. While it is true that the overall drawing seems pretty detailed and complex, it is also true that the entire idea for this drawing came from an object as simple as a spaghetti strand. A whole bunch of lines and a whole bunch of shading added to the simple spaghetti equals this lovely face. This was originally intended to be used as a design for a halloween mask. Who knows, I might still go ahead and use him for that idea.


W said...

Very nice! Now I'm in the mood for Italian...

Teri said...

Great pencil work! wow

Anonymous said...

Simply Excellent!!!

katat0nik said...

Awesome drawing!

Must eat some spaghetti now...

The Unknown said...


AscenderRisesAbove said...

Spagetti Head; love it. Nice and clean illustration

carla said...

Well, the idea might be simple, but this is pretty complex...excellent work. I think the simnplest part was probably not drawing it just for IF:> It would make an extremely scaru mask!

garth bruner said...

Yummy face. Must have meatballs....

This is awesome Patrick! You impress me every time with your detail and shading.

garth bruner said...
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Joe said...

Wow! I woulden't want to meet up with him! Great detail!

Ben Balistreri said...

very nice. I'ld like to see marinara dripping from his pores. Or maybe some alfredo?

Urban Barbarian said...

Thanks for stopping by my site and spotting my typo! Your blog rocks! Of course I'm going to have nightmares for the next three weeks...! ;)

Teemu Jäppinen said...

Way cool! I really like your detailed work!

Steve H said...

this is fantastic!!!