Just when you thought the monster was dead, he comes crawling back through the cobwebs and bone fragments scattered along the crypt floors! My sincere apologies to anyone that has stopped by my blog in the last while- I have been terrible about updating, but once again I am hoping to correct that and start adding more of my morbid creations here. I finally updated the look of this blog which was also WAY overdue!
Things finally seem to have settled down with my employment situation, as I am approaching my 1 year anniversary as a Graphic Designer for the Deseret News, a newspaper based in Salt Lake City, Utah. I have also been very busy working on a BIG horror related project that I really can't talk much about at the moment, but with a little luck and a little more time I should be able to start revealing more about it soon.
In the meantime, I will try to post some of the limited artwork I have done recently, and I am really making an effort to get back into the swing of doing more artwork, including more bottle cap monsters! To get things started, here's a look at a sketch book page I filled a few months ago- I am almost finished with the following page in the same sketchbook, and will be posting it here soon as well. As usual, this was all drawn with various Pigma Micron felt tip markers in my moleskine sketchbook.
Looking forward to hearing from my Mordacious friends soon, so as usual STAY SCARY and I will be seeing you here soon!
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