Thursday, March 09, 2006

Progress Report Feb/March

I have been crazy busy lately, so I guess thats a good thing. I posted last month about my progress and where I am going with this whole "getting back into the illustration world" thing, and I forgot to get something posted at the end of February. So here I am, posting for Feb. and the first part of March.

I did meet my goal of doubling my sketch time last month. If I wasn't sketching, I was busy working on a computer based piece of artwork, or cutting stencils for some of my acid etched glass artwork. It was a good month for getting stuff done. I didn't miss a single Illustration Friday, and I have been enjoying the creative channels IF has opened for me. I continued to check out other artists blogs, and I have made a few new friends in the process. Hopefully I have inspired a few of you as much as you have inspired me- this bloggin' thing is great!

I didn't meet my goal of getting a website together of my artwork last month. Why? Well, sadly enough I was scared to add another monthly expense to my large list of exisiting ones. Pretty ridiculous I know! I am gonna get that thing going this month for sure.

I am happy to say that I going to continue focusing my efforts on using Adobe Illustrator for a lot of my work. I have really been enjoying it lately, and I am trying to take it to some new levels, really pushing the envelope with it. I will continue to do traditional drawing, as I love that far too much to give it up, but I am planning on spending a lot of time with the computer the next little while. I am currently working on a reproduction of an old Dracula horror movie poster, and it is coming along nicely, hope to be done soon so you can all check it out. I am also planning on releasing a series of my own horror movie poster designs... I have a few ideas going and I am working on the first one, so it should be fun to see the end result. Hopefully I can offer some prints for sale, we'll have to see how it all works out.

I was able to spend an afternoon with my good friend Garth Bruner and his family last week. Hadn't seen Garth for about 4 or 5 years, so it was very inspiring to hang out with him again. Our kids all got along well too! It is really cool to have artist friends that I can show my ideas and my work to, and Garth and I go way back, so it was fun to talk with him about different creative projects we are working on. If you haven't seen Garth's work, do yourself a favor and hop on over to his blog... The link is to the right.

So, what's in store for March? What do I need to be doing? Well, I have GOT to get my art in front of the right people. I really need to get that website built so I can send potential clients to check out my work. Another good friend of mine hired me last month to design a t-shirt for him, which I did... my first paying job of the year in the freelance world! Cool! My friend also had someone contact him looking for someone to illustrate a children's book (yeah, I know I tend to do horror art, but believe it or not I can do kid's stuff too!) and is sending him my way. Guess I better get something besides my horror art on the site as well. If I don't get a website up and running soon, someone needs to smack me upside the head.

Lots more artwork is on the way... the creativity is far from dead! Here are a couple happy little creatures from my sketchbook....Many many more are lined up, waiting to be released from that warehouse in my brain!


Unknown said...

Great stuff Patrick! That skull is bangin! Love the cute/creepy guy too.
Good to hear that things are goin well. Thanks for postin the toys. Helps me with my inner nerdle..

til the next round!

garth bruner said...

Thanks Patrick!

My kids had a blast, and can't wait to get back together! I had a blast as well, just reminiscing while playing ping pong. Great, great memories!

See ya again soon!

And congrats on getting your inner artist out!