Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Cover Up Mural

This was a bit of mural work from a year or so ago. A mexican food restaurant needed some mural "cover up" art done. This one was a bit of a challenge because the entire restaurant had been done up with a number of very stylized murals. The original artist was unavailable to do the new art. Basically, the restaurant had decided to change their name from "Jacinto's" to "Tortilla Flats". In this before and after photo, you can see that the main problem was in covering the old logo, and trying to stay true to the style and feel of the original art. I did a bunch of roughs on my computer, and it was finally decided that the best idea was to paint the new logo on what looked like a weathered old banner. This was done with my partner in crime in the mural biz, Brent Rowe, along with my father-in-law John Dominge, who is a very talented fine artist as well. We did this main logo cover up and another smaller area cover up, and they both turned out quite well. As part of the payment, we did a little trade, so we had a massive mexican food feast for dinner once the work was finished!

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